Posts in Africa
Save Nature – Save Ourselves

The gates opened for the next feeding at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, but the orphans were nowhere in sight. The region is experiencing a devastating drought, the keepers and their young charges were forced to walk further out into the bush to find enough to eat. Finally, the first group of orphans arrived. They raced across the compound for their bottles.

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A Surprise Trip to Kenya

Tears of overwhelm and joy pricked my eyes when I read the email on September 9, 2021. Congratulations! We are contacting you today because your image has been selected as a Highly Honored finalist in the final round of Judging for the 2021 Benjamin Mkapa African Wildlife Photography Awards.

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Photo Tip: Get Low

“I’d love to get down low” I whispered. “If we find a good spot you can get out” Pilipili replied. Get out? My heart rate rose a few more levels. Although the bull elephants appeared peaceful and benign, at six tons Big Tusker Tim could flip our truck with one casual swing of his trunk or step on me and it would be all over.

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Help! There’s an Elephant in the Well!

Last week a tiny elephant calf fell in a well in Northern Kenya. The region is currently experiencing a devastating drought. The local Samburu people dig wells for their livestock in riverbeds during the dry season. They bring their animals to drink during the day and elephants take advantage of the wells at night. Unfortunately, sometimes a calf falls in and the elephants are unable to help it out.

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Celebrate the Ugly — Vultures may not be pretty, but their services are beautiful.

Did you know the first Saturday in September is International Vulture Awareness Day? Nature’s garbage collectors, vultures are found in many countries. They are the most threatened group of raptors in the world. All African vultures are under pressure, several are facing extinction. Some populations have fallen as much as 97% in the last few years.

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Add this to your Bucket List – The New Big Five

I didn’t know about “The Big 5” list before my first safari in 2010. It’s an old term used by trophy hunters in Africa. Five large animals were considered the most dangerous and consequently the most prized: elephant, rhino, leopard, Cape buffalo, and lion. Trophy Hunters slaughtered them by the thousands. As Jane Goodall says, “there are no words” for people who get pleasure from senselessly killing big game.

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Wildlife Photography – The Bum View from Here

Photographing animals in the wild involves an interesting dance between slow and fast; patiently waiting for a shot while simultaneously staying ready for that fraction of a second when it all comes together. The drivers and spotters on a game drive do their best to set up photographic shots, but wild animals have a mind of their own.

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Shaba – A Elephant’s Story of Healing, Resilience and Leadership

I chose to visit Sarara Camp in Northern Kenya, after reading photographer Ami Vitale’s National Geographic story about the launch of the sanctuary in 2017. Reteti is the first community owned and run elephant sanctuary in Africa and the first elephant orphanage to employ women as keepers. Not only are they saving elephants, Reteti is creating employment for women and modeling new roles for young girls.

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Safari Dreaming January 2022

I can’t imagine ever running out of stories, but I confess, I long to fill up my basket of travel tales with more adventures. There’s a voice that echoes in my head “safari, safari, safari.” I want to breathe in the air, the smells of the Kenyan landscape. I long to go to sleep listening to the rumble of elephants or the roar of lions outside my tent.

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The Grace of Elephants and What they Can Teach Us About Love

This week’s Heartfelt Story—The Grace of Elephants and What they Can Teach Us About Love—is a podcast interview, with Monica Rodgers. I made an instant connection with Monica in a Seth Godin Creatives Workshop in 2020. Monica hosts a popular weekly podcast called “The Revelation Project.” She believes “what gets revealed, gets healed.”

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