Posts in Wildlife
The Littlest Hippo and the Crocodile: A True Story

“Come! Come! You won’t believe this.” My friend pulled me to the edge of the bluff above Kenya’s Mara river. My breath caught in my throat. On the opposite shore of the river a baby hippo sniffed around a massive 12’ crocodile. Riveted, we feared the worst.

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Ambushed by an Elephant

I credit an elephant with a significant life lesson—slow down, be calm, watch/listen for the signs. I believe there is much going on around me that I often miss. Elephants are known for being able to communicate over vast distances. Perhaps that youngster heard my wish that night and was happy to fulfill my dream.

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Curiosity: A skill for connection and learning

When our grandson adopted a rhino for his birthday he explained his choice because “they have a really cool way to poop!” He’s absolutely right, they do. A male rhino poops in one spot creating big pile of dung, known as a midden. This marks his territory and acts as a warning to those who might trespass.

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Teaching Compassion through Conservation

I believe animals can teach us a lot about love and compassion. As a trauma therapist I heard many stories about how family pets or farm animals were the companions who provided love and solace in situations of domestic violence or abuse. The emotional support from an animal to a human and human to animal can heal deep wounds of separation, abandonment and trauma.

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I Love Elephant Ears

I confess, I am in love with elephant ears—the real ones. Although, as I write this, I realize one of my favourite pastries as a child was elephant ears so perhaps, I was destined to love elephant ears. I love elephants too, most of you know that, but, those ears—amazing! I remember the day I was hooked.

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The Sarara Campaign

At a time when the news is dominated with reports of communities in conflict and environmental disasters, I have good news! Caring people are having a direct positive impact on the lives of others. This week’s story is one of gratitude. Special thanks to readers who have donated money or purchased products from my online store. You are making a difference in the lives of people in Kenya and the wildlife they coexist with.

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When All is Well with the World—An Elephant Lullaby

As I lay in bed, I heard rumbles in the dark. I knew what they were. That's how elephants talk to each other. They have a deep rumble that comes from their belly and other than their body language—trunks and ears and use of their body—it is one of the main ways they communicate.

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An Afternoon at the Spa

. The afternoon is quiet in the heat. No sound of bird calls or animal rustling outside my door. I raise myself up on my elbows and peer through the screen trying to orient myself. An enormous red brown head rises out of the thick grass. There is a huge bull elephant silently enjoying a mud bath directly in front of me.

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The Pace of an Elephant

The temperature is rising in the mid-morning heat of Amboseli Park near the Tanzanian border in southern Kenya. The dry, grey volcanic dust of Amboseli announces each family of elephants as they march in silence towards us. I have never seen so many elephants in one place. I came to see the elephants of Amboseli, and they showed up.

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Leaping Lion Wins

I’m delighted to announce one of my images won the Greenpeace 2020 photo competition. I’m proud my photo is associated with Greenpeace, an organization that works tirelessly to raise awareness about environmental issues and conservation. The contest theme this year was wildlife mothers and offspring.

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It's Essential

I know I’m fortunate. I know I am one of the fortunate few to be able to go to these wild places, and meet these extraordinary people, and meet these extraordinary animals. It's a gift and it's very healing for me, it’s very magical for me. My hope is that by sharing my stories I can help build a bridge and let the rest of the world know that these people and these animals and these wild places are out there and we have a responsibility. We have a responsibility to protect them and to speak for them.

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All Animals Once Belonged to Women

Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is the first indigenous community owned and run elephant rescue orphanage in East Africa. It reflects a growing movement in community focused conservation practices where the local people work to protect the wildlife they have co-existed with for hundreds of years.

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The Eye

Domenic, Joseph, and I were out patrolling the savannah in the morning when we spotted a herd of elephants making their way in a line across the horizon. The Matriarch was at the head of the line with another female following behind, a small calf hugging her haunches. Several other mothers, aunties, and nannies were part of the group plus one large bull elephant.

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