Come on Safari with Me - Meet Craig
Start with the wonder, or we won’t have the heart for the journey. Dougald Hine
Craig and Mt. Kilimanjaro
The largest elephants in the world live in the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This week I invite you to sit beside me in the Land Cruiser and experience what it’s like to be in the presence of Craig, one of the world’s most famous Big Tuskers. In the first video clip Craig emerges out of the bush and slowly approaches us. The flecks of white that dance across the screen are hundreds of white butterflies that emerged after the recent rains. Meet Craig here.
The landscape was transformed after the recent rains
In the second clip Craig passes close by to join his supersized friends. I have a special history with Craig. I’ll save that story for another time. I was thrilled to see him again looking healthy and strong, albeit older (he’s 53) after the devastating drought of the previous three years. Video #2.