Tembo's Rescue
I have had the privilege of raising elephants from infancy to adulthood, growing up with them myself and then raising my sons alongside them. Their devotion to those they call family is remarkable and the adage “An elephant never forgets” is true. Indeed, many orphans we have rescued and reintegrated back into the wild will still come back to visit us in times of happiness or need, never forgetting those who saved their lives. Angela Sheldrick
Day 1 of little Tembo’s life ended in high drama. As daylight faded the keepers at the Ithumba reintegration unit heard a loud commotion outside the gates of the stockades. Rushing to the scene they found Tembo had tumbled into the water trough. His mother, ex orphan Tumaren and her wild family were frantically trying to haul him out. It was mayhem!
Tumaren and her family anxiously try to help Tembo out of the water trough.
Two keepers immediately climbed into the trough to save Tembo. The other keepers waved their umbrellas (yes umbrellas) at the distraught mother and aunties to keep them at bay.
With a heave ho the keepers hoisted Tembo onto dry land into the welcoming trunks of his family. It was all over in a matter of minutes. Little Tembo hustled off into the night surrounded by his protective family.
Tembo is escorted away to safety
What a great story to follow-up to Mother’s Day. Imagine stepping into the midst of a group of frantic full-grown elephants. To see it is to believe it. The scene epitomizes the mutual trust these men and elephants have for each other. Catastrophe averted, no lives lost, and little Tembo survived to see another day. Watch the video here, turn up your volume!
Tumaren gives Tembo a reassuring trunk hug after his ordeal.
Read how Tembo’s mother Tumaren, who is an orphan the DSWT rescued, raised, and rewilded, introduced Tembo to the keepers in last week’s story.
Tumaren and Tembo - Photo Credit DSWT